Content Writing for Your Audience

Everyone digests content differently. But there are 4 dominant styles.

Maximize your content engagement by taking these into account in ALL your strategic communication, be that e-mails, newsletters, social posts, blog posts, websites or sales pages.  

The Audience Personalities

The Dominants:

They will only read parts.  H1 or H2 Headlines, bold text.  Most likely just the beginning and the end.  So have a CTA and link near the top and a P.S. to grab their attention at the end.

The Distracted:

An inefficient multitasker and a bit scattered, these people need ALL the reminders.  You might need to really get in their face with a lot of interesting content before they even notice it or take the bait.  Any style or email or tactic will do, just hit them a bunch before expecting them to bite!

The Romantics:

These guys love some good old-fashioned context.  Give them a testimonial, a story, anything with deep meaning to influence and inspire them.  This type is most likely to share your content as well.  They like to spread the love!

The Studious:

They read everything, cover to cover, top to bottom, line by line.  Give them all the details and all the FAQs.  But make it look nice.  Not messy.  Just comprehensive and engaging.  They need to research and learn it ALL before they act.


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