Why Lead Qualification is Essential

As B2B service-based contractors, ideally, we should actually disqualify more leads than we qualify.

I share the following with prospects in my working contracts…

This relationship WORKS when a client is:

💥 Open to change and new ideas.

💥 Can dedicate the time and effort required to execute both foundational and tactical marketing to improve their business.

💥 Recognizes Alyssa does not have a magic marketing wand. Work and thought drive good content which in turn drives more sales.

💥 Recognizes proper marketing planning and content development is not instantaneous.

💥 Understands they are investing a brain with insights and experience that are missing in their business. Not hours toiled.

This helps us both get a better sense of fit right off the bat saving valuable energy and time.

You want clients that fit like a glove. This makes your reality and theirs far more enjoyable.

Best fit clients save you time, energy and make work fun!


How to Use KPIs to Maximize ROI